OK so I just had a Seinfeld moment. I was in the admin office heating up my lunch and one of the nurses that I work with was in the restroom..............no big deal right?! Well think again, she came out of the restroom and rinsed off (NOT WASHED) her hands. I said hi and tried to slide out of her way quickly but she patted me on the shoulder..........she got me y'all and now I have box juice on my sweater I just know it!!!
You would think since she's a nurse she would wash her hands after using the restroom but I guess not! I'm really freaked out because anyone that knows me knows that I'm a germophobe.
What would you have done if it happened to you?
Honestly I would have said "Why didn't u wash your hand girl" LOL... a mess!!!!!!!!!!
Wait did u say box juice LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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